The Life of Gronsky
During the depths of Covid, against the backdrop of other large world actions including extreme weather events, tennis, COP 26, and the like Gilbert Gronsky decides to write mysteries, and discovers that life is the greatest mystery of all.
Bill Engleson’s new release is available from and locally at Abraxas Books on Denman.
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“Bill Engleson has written a very funny book filled with stories rooted in truth, and leavened with affection. The island, the people, and all that unfolds in between will keep you chuckling as you hang on for the ride. It makes me long to return to Denman.” ~ Terry Fallis, two time winner of the Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour, “The Best Laid Plans” 2008; “No Relation” 2015.
The chapter titles tell us much. “Turnip Love.” “Up and Down the Garbage Chute.” In fact, the Table of Contents alone may put a smile on your face that will last the whole time you’re reading this book — except when you catch yourself laughing out loud. Bill Engleson is lively, entertaining, wise, and full of surprises. ~ Jack Hodgins, author and winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence 2006; and Order of Canada inductee 2009.
“This book is unremittingly mischievous. Its author ought to be exiled, like Napoleon, to some small island off the coast and made to subsist on a diet of boiled turnips and old western movies. Read it and see for yourself.” Des Kennedy, author, islander, turnip grower… and award-winning journalist, broadcaster and environmental activist.
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Like a Child to Home
“This is a riveting story that grabbed me from its first pages. I can’t remember ever reading a more realistic and entertaining tale of child protection work, or social work in general. But beyond that niche, it is a story that readers of dramatic fiction will connect with and enjoy. It is an engaging story with sympathetic and nuanced characters who will stay in readers’ thoughts long after they have finished reading the book.” ~ Sarah Stewart, Editor
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